WIP 2019 - A Year in Review

It’s been a remarkable year for the Women Independent Producers and 2020 promises to be even better. Throughout this year, WIP made some significant strides, while maintaining some of the programs and events that make WIP special.
We’ll be wrapping up 2019 by joining NYWIFT at a festive holiday party on Dec. 16th. Be sure to register asap.
We formally established our Board of Directors as we move WIP into a new phase of growth and development.
Meet the WIP board:
Adetoro Makinde, President
Stephanie Dawson, VP, Operations & Membership | Secretary
Brandi Savitt, VP, Business Development | Treasurer
Erin Miller, Chair, Member Engagement & Outreach
Rachel Watanabe-Batton, Chair, Partnerships
Jane Applegate, Chair, Special Events & Media
Lauren Avinoam, Chair, Festivals & Marketing
Cornelia Ravenal, Chair, Advisory Board
Each of these areas of focus represent a committee on which you can serve. We welcome your participation, so please consider joining us as an active member of WIP by contacting the coordinator.
Members enjoyed our intimate monthly soirees featuring a potluck meal, confidential discussions and our “asks and offers.” Thanks to these gatherings, our friendships and working relationships are stronger than ever.
Moving into 2020, I encourage every WIP member to take advantage of the talent and generosity provided by our members. Thanks to WIP, I’m working on a several exciting projects with Brandi Savitt and Julie Crosby.
Special thanks to Lia Mayer-Sommer for hosting us over the year at Walter Pictures. We were also hosted by East Coast Digital by Stina Hamlin.
We introduced the WIP @ WORK Happy Hour and had a fabulous night with FlavorLab. If you have or know of a business partner who would be willing to host us for a happy hour, please contact the coordinator.
In September, a few Wipsters, including Valerie Steinberg and Lauren Avinoam, and I attended the Toronto International Film Festival. I was able to meet up with Valerie at the SXSW party. Members including Trevite Willis, Rachel Watanabe-Batton, Stephanie Dawson and Kiara Jones met up at an IFP Week Filmmaker Mixer. You can find photographic evidence of these and our many exploits via our social media handles.
In November, we introduced a new program, “Tales from the Set,” a panel series initiated by our President, Adetoro Makinde. Trevite Willis, Shruti Ganguly, Jenette Kahn and Aliki Paraschis joined me to share war stories, strategies and advice with an extremely engaged audience. The event was held at the Made in New York Media Center by IFP in DUMBO and was co-sponsored by NYWIFT.
So many aspiring young women attended the event and expressed interest in becoming involved with WIP. Next year, we are expanding opportunities for rising producers to get more involved with WIP.
Many of our members released films and were recognized by our peers, film festivals, guilds, and organizations such as IFP and Film Independent. We want to continue to celebrate their achievements in 2020.
Save the Date: We look forward to seeing you all on Sunday, January 12 for the first phase of our Build Your Brand 2020 campaign. We’re hosting a highly discounted makeover and headshot event at the MAC Pro Studio. More details will follow.
Until then, we all wish you a wonderful and warm holiday season.
Facebook - Women Independent Producers (private group)
Twitter - @wiproducers
Instagram - @wiproducers
LinkedIn - @wiproducers
#WomenIndependentProducers #filmmaker #womeninfilm #TorontoInternationalFilmFestival #JaneApplegate #StephanieDawson #AdetoroMakinde #RachelWatanabeBatton #KiaraJones #ShrutiGanguly #JenetteKahn #AlikiParaschis #TreviteWillis #BrandiSavitt #CorneliaRavenal #LaurenAvinoam #ErinMiller #ValerieSteinberg #IFPWeekFilmmakerMixer #LiaMayerSomer #WalterPictures